Pada hari jumaat bersamaan 11 November yang lalu, kelas Matematik PPISMP semester 3 telah mengadakan satu jamuan secara kecil-kecilan sempena merayakan kejayaan menjawab kertas PM3311P4 juga merayakan kemasukan alaun bulan November yang sangat dinantikan oleh semua ahli kelas tersebut. Berikut merupakan bukti yang sahih, tepat, tulen dan ringkas.

He is our PKK for next sem .

Mentor + Family

Boni was saying that he was hungry

One of the Liverpool's football player , in his dream 

Preparing their food

+ anis + erda +

w0w ! Melda was smiling !

This is the new talent .

Seriously , I luv this pic . 

+ no Comment +


Look at Jijie's face ! ?

He is cute , right ?


6 out of 11 girls in the class

cuzie is everywhere !

They had finished !

owhss ! Cuzie + erda + IPDA's football player


couple of the year

Jack MMY

owhs ! 

erda ! pretty !

I have no idea about this

Am I the right person to give the present to our mentor ?

cover of the magazine ?
we are promoting the bicycle .

The owner of the blog is smiling at u !

* the happiness of us *

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